When the Department for Transport approached Arch Creative to create instructional videos on how to support passengers with disabilities, there was one key theme: Lived Experience. Who better to educate the DfT’s staff than the people who lived this life every single day?
This informed the series of educational films we created – right down to how we created the script. Working with a dedicated behavioural change consultancy, we organised, animated and edited together a suite of films to alter mindsets and encourage action.
We set up interviews with several disabled passengers and Department for Transport staff, which were recorded and then edited together. Our interview questions were tailored to generate specific responses, that we could match up to our animation style after the fact. All of the animations were created in-house by Arch Creative animators.
The videos were part of the Real Passenger Real Person campaign, which included unique branding (seen in the video) and a selection of learning ebooks. Purely for internal use, the campaign did a fantastic job of educating Department for Transport staff.
Our videos wouldn’t have been complete without the illustrations (literally!). We partnered with an external illustrator to develop a style that would be unique to the campaign – and be both charming and able to carry a serious subject.
We chose a subtle, muted colour palette for the animation. Firstly, because it matched up with the brand colours of the Department for Transport and, secondly, so as not to make light of a topic that needed weight.
View our full project case study here.